Archives: Events

Madrasah Designated Safeguarding Lead (MDSL) Training

Jamiah Abdullah bin Masood Masjid 78, Evelyn road, Spark Hill, Birmingham

The MDSL training session is the second in the SFI comprehensive Safeguarding training programme which ensures that each madrasah completing this programme is given the same preparedness as mainstream schools would be for Ofsted inspections. In this session, the persons nominated to fulfil the role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead at the Madrasah are invited to...

Safeguarding Children – Awareness Course (Level 1)


Strengthening Faith Institutions (SFI) is pleased to hold a safeguarding children awareness course (level 1). This Introduction to Safeguarding Children course is a positive first step towards increasing and improving your knowledge and will provide you with a thorough overview of how to recognise the warning signs of abuse, what to do with any concerns that you...

Safeguarding Children Training (Awareness – Level 1)

Haaya Centre 41A Ivy Road, Hounslow, London

Shakil Ahmad, SFI consultant will be delivering Safeguarding Children Training (Awareness - Level 1) at Hounslow Muslim Centre. The topics that will be covered are: Importance of safeguarding - in British law and in the Sacred Texts Safeguarding and Child Protection Four Rs of safeguarding - Recognise, Respond, Report, Record Major types of abuse and major...

Health and Safety Awareness Training

Madinah Masjid 10, Wingrove Gardens, Newcastle-upon-Tyne

For more information and to RSVP, please email:

First Aid, Health and Safety (Level 1) Training

Social Welfare & Education Centre 40 Foxland Rd, Gatley, Cheadle

First aid training has practical benefits, such as becoming safety aware which reduces any risks and saves lives, particularly when urgent attention is needed. The training SFI offers is delivered by Waheed Hussain, who has over seventeen years’ experience within the Ambulance Service and is currently a Paramedic. To RSVP, please email Waheed Hussain:  

Safeguarding Children Awareness Training

Grimsby Islamic Cultural Centre 79a Weelsby Road, Grimsby

Topics covered: Importance of safeguarding – in British law and in the Sacred Texts Safeguarding and Child Protection Four Rs of safeguarding – Recognise, Respond, Report, Record Major types of abuse and major signs of each type of abuse Duties of the Designated Safeguarding Officer and trustees/Management Committee Further learning To RSVP or for more information, please email Shakil Ahmed: or call: 07505900490

Safeguarding Awareness Training

Madina Education Trust Madina House, Walsall Street, Wednesbury, Walsall

For more information and to RSVP, please email:

Walsall Faith Groups Information Evening with SFI and Near Neighbours

The Vines 33 Lower Hall Lane, Walsall

Strengthening Faith Institutions (SFI) in partnership with Near Neighbours Black Country is pleased to invite you to the information evening for faith organisations in Walsall and Black Country. Click here to register.

Sukkah at Al Khoei, London

Al Khoei Islamic Centre Chevening Rd, London

For the third year running, Al Khoei Islamic Centre, London will be hosting their Jewish neighbours and friends from Brondesbury Park Synagogue for an interfaith breakfast to mark Sukkot -  a Jewish festival, often referred to as the Season of our Rejoicing has historical significance which commemorates the forty-year period during which the children of Israel...